Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hello Spring

You know that feeling when you get that urge to clean your DEEP clean your house, and the temperature is just right you can open your windows at let the fresh air in  and you start listening..or blaring, Rascal Flatts because "summer time" is coming...eventually.  Well its been about 85 degrees here, and I know all you with "actual" winters hate me right now, but don't worry your time is coming, I see the sun in your future ;) Well earlier this week that happened to me, I woke up, did my morning routine, then Tanner and I went out on a walk and I kept thinking about what a beautiful day it was and when we got home it hit me...that "Spring Cleaning" I used to hid from growing up was all I wanted to do all day.  ( i feel like this was me and my siblings )

I feel like a lot of us now as we are older have that similar feeling of just wanting to scrub every little thing and de-junk our homes.

Well I had a thought as I was doing my spring cleaning, "what else do I need to de-junk in my life, and deep clean?".

I know it may sound weird but it got me thinking,  what am I doing daily that is just adding clutter and mess to my life? What unnecessary task am I putting on my list of "to-do's" that may be getting in my way of the important things.

I made 2  list. The first was of activities I do everyday and week in the order I usually do them. Some of them were, going to the library, the store, work, making meals for the family, watching my shows, taking tanner to the park,  working out, etc.  The second was of daily activities that I knew I needed to be doing more of or  needed to add.  Some of these were, scripture study, listening to more uplifting music when working out, don't always multi task and play with tanner--set time aside for just me and him, prayer, make sure Ryan knows you appreciate him, get ready for the day, etc.

Nothing I was doing on the first list was bad,  but some of it really wasn't adding much value to my life.

As spring time comes closer for most of us and we get that urge to clear out all the old winter junk, get outside and soak up the sun,  and make some yummy marinated bbq chicken...maybe we should also clear out things that maybe preventing us from bettering our marriage, time with our kids or self. Throwing things out that maybe prohibiting our happiness. Soak up all the time and moments we have with those close relationships. Letting ourselves absorb and marinate in the things that really will make us happy.

My life wasn't uneventful, awful, and didn't need a whole lot of changes but because I did throw out a fews things, re- prioritized to what I knew would be the best for my family, for my personal growth, and for true happiness, I get way more out of my day and what I am doing during it than I was before.  So heres to your "Spring Cleaning"

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